I'm New
What do I wear?

We want you to feel at home at Urban Light. Some of our members show up in blue jeans and t-shirts, while others wear dress pants, button up shirts, skirts and dresses. No matter what you wear, others will be dressed similarly!

Where do I park?

The church parking lot is located east of the church building, behind the church.  There are accessible parking spaces available on 7th street near the church entrance on 7th street, including an accessible entrance with lift accessibility.  

Where do children go during service?

Children's church and child care services are provided during Sunday service.  Preschool aged children can be dropped off at child care prior to service starting and can be picked up immediately following service.  K - 5th grade children are dismissed for their own teaching during the sermon.  For more information regarding child care and Sunday school, please visit our ministries page and check out the Children's ministry section. 

I'm not very familiar with church services...what can I expect for service at ULCC?

Urban Light Community Church gathers weekly on Sundays at 11:00 am to worship and hear the Word of God.  Anyone is welcome to attend.  You will find a diverse congregation inside the doors, and are welcome to sit on the ground floor or head upstairs to the balcony for additional seating.  There is a Hospitality Room to the left once you walk in, with a gift for new visitors!  Come a few minutes early, or stay a little after service to enjoy a cup of coffee or tea, and check out what events and other opportunities for gathering and growing are available. Once service starts, we begin with worship songs.  Sing along if you'd like!  Following worship, we have announcements, children are excused for Sunday School, and we enter prayer and hear a message from one of our pastors.  The end of service is typically marked by a final worship song and benediction.  Altogether, service usually lasts about an hour and a half. 

First Sundays!

The first Sunday of the Month is a busy one at Urban Light!  We participate in taking communion and offer a community meal at the conclusion of service in the Fellowship Hall located in the basement of the church. 

Am I expected to put money in the offering?

A key part of joining with Jesus in his work of reconciliation is being a faithful giver, and the many ministries of Urban Light require financial investment.  We believe in giving faithfully to the Lord, but you won't be forced or coerced into giving.  Visitors are invited to place their connection card in the offering plate. 

There is a designated time for giving during worship that takes place in each Sunday service, but giving can be done any time online by visting our give page, or by texting the word "give" to 765-637-0178.  

I have a disability...are there accommodations available?

Urban Light takes great care to ensure that the presence and word of the Lord are accessible to all, inlcuding those with disabilities. 

Accessible parking is available near the 7th street entrance and directly in front of the building's accessible entrance.  Once inside, there is a lift available that can take you to the upper level for the sanctuary or the lower level for events held in the Fellowship Hall.

Additionally, our leadership team is mindful of those with disabilities taking care to accomodate a variety of visual, auditory, and sensory needs by communicating visuals, using microphones, or offering complimentary ear plugs for those that have a sensitivity to sound.  The overflow areas are friendly to those who have sensory needs, and you are welcome to come and go as needed.

Check out our disability ministry on our ministries page.  Let us know if there are ways we can help improve your experience! 

I don't have consistent transportation to church for me and/or my family...how can I get there?

Urban Light offers transportation to and from Sunday services.  If you or a loved one are in need of a ride, please leave a voicemail or text 765-273-4550 before 3:00 pm on the Saturday before Sunday service. 

English is my second language...do you offer Spanish translation?

Urban Light is working to make our service accessible for Spanish speaking individuals.  Spanish is incorporated in our songs, either direcly or by translation.  Our sermons are not currently translated every week, but we do occasionally have bilingual sermons.